Triton Security

Five Ways to Save Money With Commercial Access Control Systems

access control systems

Five Ways to Save Money With Commercial Access Control Systems

The security of commercial properties is very important for business owners. The use of traditional lock and key adds to the several security risks at your office. Smart and convenient access controls are an effective solution to safety issues. Triton Security provides various innovative products to keep your business secure as well as meet expansion demands if any.

Access control systems are keyless systems that will allow you and your employees to unlock doors using a magnetic door release, a fob system or a digitally coded lock. Our typical access control system includes:

Here are five ways access control systems can improve your business and keep you safe:

2. Eliminate ‘Lost Keys’ Issues

You might hand out multiple sets of keys to the staff of your office, increasing the chances of them getting misplaced. Your premises would be vulnerable if some unauthorized person manages to get hold of them. Since access control utilizes an electronic card, fob or code for access to your building and rooms, you aren’t dependent on keys at all. These cards or fobs are programmed to work with your security system while granting access. They work similar to hotel key cards and do not contain sensitive information or data. If any card is lost, you can easily update your database to remove access for that card or fob. As a business owner, you don’t have to invest again and again in changing locks and acquiring more keys for your staff.

2. Save Business Money

Apart from eliminating the costs of acquiring new lock and keys, installing an access control system even lets you save other costs in the long run. Advanced access control systems can be integrated with your building’s heating and lighting systems. This arrangement allows you to control lights and temperatures according to which part of a building you use. This reduces the risk of wasting energy when that area is not in use.

3. Control Over Who Enters and Exits Your Building

You can grant access to your premises only to certain people such as your employees who are permitted to enter to your building or revoke access for others. The security will protect you from any former employees who have cards with access to your site. If any unauthorized person enters by any chance, you can trace the card, the culprit used to enter the building.

4. Better Safety, Security and Productivity

Access control systems use magnetic locking systems. You can also install them at parking gates, turnstiles and other barriers to increase security levels and to avoid thefts.

By using effective lock systems, you provide your employees with a safer workplace. When they feel safer at work, they will feel happier and are more productive.

5. Restrict Access to Certain Areas Within the Building

If you fear that critical information from your office can get leaked, you can restrict access to areas such as data server rooms, HR departments and stock rooms. All your staff members shouldn’t be permitted to enter these areas. This way you can also protect your staff’s belongings and avoid the chances of them being stolen.

Regardless of the business you have, make sure it is protected and secure with our access control systems. Taking precautions is better than believing in myths such as ‘it can’t happen to me.’ For queries about our products, you can read our section on frequently asked questions.

Contact us to learn more about our security features and services.

